Oct. 10, 2021

 Months have passed since I last wrote. No particular reason, just life filling up my days...

I have been sticking with my goal of "traveling" somewhere each month in 2021. I use the term "traveling" loosely... it just means being somewhere other than a Zoom meeting at my desk in Rochester!

In August, our travels were our typical week at Lake Hubert. We were lucky that Erin's work schedule in Philly allowed her to come with us again this year. I know there will be a time where her life doesn't allow for a trip to Lake Hubert, but so far she's managed to make it happen 20 years in a row.

Miss E had a good summer working in Philly and has now started classes again. She's a senior in college and will be done a quarter early, finishing in March. How did that happen? Right now the days sometimes go slow, but the years go fast...

Dan and I continue to share a home office, which works well most days. After 20 months, of exclusively working from home, I definitely have some Zoom fatigue. Many days have 5 or more hours staring at the little boxes on my screen. Thank goodness my watch which reminds me to stand up every hour!

But, I am still grateful for a job I like most days.

I'm now in my last semester of grad school and will receive my master's degree in Strategic Communication and Innovation and a grad certificate in Advanced Digital Media in December. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks!

Dan's job has resumed a little more normal schedule that includes weekly travel again. He is fully vaccinated and takes precautions and so far we have been lucky to stay healthy and keep COVID at bay. I hope we make it to the other side of this pandemic soon.

My travel in September was tagging along on Dan's work trip. We made our way to South Dakota and hiked in the Badlands. We had visited once with Shannon and Erin when they were little, but didn't hike much then. This time, we hiked "The Notch", which requires climbing up a rope ladder and isn't recommended for people who are afraid of heights. I'm happy to say I survived.

We then went on to Devil's Tower National Monument in Wyoming. It was definitely worth the trip.

Visiting more National Parks is on our bucket list, and I'm already plotting where we might go next year.

Our October travels will take us to Philadelphia for a quick visit to see Erin. She's busy with school, club volleyball, and sorority activities, but she promises to let us buy her and her roommates dinner. It's always good to see our kid in her natural habitat.

With fall upon us and winter to follow, we're excited about what's ahead with the Shannon O'Hara Foundation. We are doing a website redesign, ordering new merchandise, and prepping for upcoming hockey events. We're looking at new avenues to expand and fund more scholarships, so stay tuned.

All is well with Team O'Hara. I hope the same is true for you and yours.