Wednesday October 5, 2011

Shannon has gone a week without the need for steroids.  Keep your fingers crossed that the taper is complete, for now.  Her adrenal glands must be doing their job because she has not reported any headaches or problems.

We are blessed with so many kind and wise people in our lives.  You listen to us, share wisdom, offer hope and support.  In your own way, every one of you help us "keep it real".

That's a good thing because there seems to be an inordinate amount of uncertainty that has accumulated;  work stuff, school stuff, sports stuff, cancer stuff...stuff that can jolt you awake at night.  What if...?  What if...?  What if...?

A friend recommended on oldie but goodie for dealing with uncertain times; jot down the things that are keeping you at a time...on little sheets of paper...fold them up and toss them in a "God box".  Like a mini time-capsule.  After some time passes, check back on your "God box" - chances are pretty good that each of these items will magically be resolved.  Let go let God, right?

Two nights in a row this week Jen and I held the girls as they cried themselves to sleep.  On Monday night Erin let it all out as I tucked her in for bed.  Tuesday night, it was Shannon's turn.  The pressures in each of their lives just needed a release.  Truthfully, comforting a sobbing child is one of the greatest privileges of being a parent. Holding them tightly until all the air returns to their lungs...probably good for all of us.  Another reminder that our emotions are living real close to the surface around here.  That ain't all bad.

I was fired up to download some new music this week.  Then Jen informed me Bob Seger's iTunes release of 1970's songs does not qualify as new music.  I don't care...I remember standing on the corner at midnight...trying to get my courage up....

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Eleanor Mondale Poling this week.  Eleanor was treated at Mayo Clinic and pledged her memorials to Rochester-based Brains Together for a Cure.