After several gray, cloudy days, the sun finally shined today. Literally and figuratively... The first quarter of the school year has ended and Miss E has a three day weekend ahead with no agenda. She is quite happy about this! I have a feeling she will stay up late and sleep in late and I vow not to suggest that she do otherwise...
I spent a great portion of my day working on paperwork and communication for the foundation. Working on our goals, finances, mission statement, board of directors, etc. Writing a descriptive narrative of past, present, and future activities to explain to the Internal Revenue Service what we are all about. Uff da...
Dan and I also had meetings today to do some planning for The Shannon Cup girl's hockey tournaments that will take place in January and February. We are hoping to have all sorts of goodies for sale: t-shirts and hats and pins, oh my!
Hard to explain, but doing all these things feels so good and so terrible at the same time. I find that I can get going and feel really productive but then, when I stop and think about what I am doing and why I am doing it, well, it's easy to get sad. But, as we've said before, what are the options? Bury my head in the sand and grieve? Avoid the subject? I just can't. That wouldn't honor Shannon. So, onward we push with our planning and organizing and our hopes to make a small difference, some how, some way...
In that context, I am pleased to share with you all some information on the book. It's titled Determined To Matter and you can now check it out on my publisher's website. This is pretty exciting stuff for me and I'm excited for you all to see it, too.
Check it out at:
You will see Determined To Matter featured on the website's home page, but you can find a more extensive write up on it by scrolling down to the bottom right of the home page and, under menu, check out the catalog for Spring 2013.
While you are already able to pre-order through Amazon and Barnes and Noble, if you can wait a little longer, there will be a chance to order from local booksellers in the near future. I'd love to see you all support the local business owners, so please have some patience.
I am meeting with my publishers again in December and then we will put our marketing plan into action. I sometimes can't believe this is really happening. But, seeing the book featured on their website certainly makes it feel very real.
Yet another thing that feels so good and yet, each time I look at that beautiful photo of Shannon on the cover, it brings a little bit of heartache. That's just how life is for us, for now...
"My grief and pain are mine. I have earned them. The are a part of me. Only in feeling them do I open myself to the lessons they can teach." - Anne Wilson Schaef