I was one with God this morning as I hiked with Sunny around the Willow Creek Reservoir near our home in Rochester. The sun was bright, the water a glassy calm reflecting a cloudless, deep blue sky. Nature was alive all around. Jason Mraz and Eric Hutchinson play lists on the Ipod with the dog - tail high - weaving in out of the tall grasses, flushing various birds, bugs and creatures. My senses sharp in the cool, clean fall air.
It was just one of those moments when all felt right. The kids were off at school on day 2. Jen was off walking with a friend. I had just finalized a proposal that I will present tomorrow in Morton IL - a promising business opportunity for sure. Everyone with a bounce in their step around here this week.
Then I returned home and Jen delivered the news that Shannon had called in from school to report a headache. She didn't want to come home - just wanted us to document the incident as requested from our medical team at WFMC. Damn. Shannon's disease is omnipresent. Acceptance remains the key.
I am not going to allow a headache to take the bounce out of my step. Still have so much to be grateful for! More music...more exercise...more work...more activity...keep going...
Gratitude and acceptance. Stay in the moment.