After a nice quiet weekend at home, it's time to crank up the gerbil wheel again... this week involves working my two jobs, Dan is traveling throughout Minnesota, and Miss Erin has two volleyball games, confirmation, and a debate competition. Oh yeah, and school. Family and friends coming to town this week and it sounds like we will have a nice group for the Brains Together For A Cure walk on Saturday. Cross your fingers for decent weather.
I wonder sometimes about this blog... what is the point of it now, anyway? Am I just being self serving by continuing to write about my life and my family? Does anyone really care? Isn't it time I just moved on?
These questions rattle around in my head a lot lately. One of the things I liked best about getting a writing job is that I get to write a little bit about something other than myself. And yet, here I am, continuing to write about my favorite subject... me!
But, we got stopped at church on Sunday by someone who has been touched by our writing. I guess that's the point, isn't it? It helps me and if it can help others along the way, then the blog - and the book - have a purpose. So, onward we go...
I've been thinking about the book again lately, too. A year ago we were in the middle of a promotional tour, doing events and sharing our story. Now, it's just out there, available if someone stumbles across it... It's a strange feeling to have this big accomplishment of writing a book, and then it's kind of over. Maybe I was hoping for more. Maybe that's why authors don't write just one book. Maybe there's something more that will come of it some day. Maybe I should just be content...
I think secretly I long for Shannon's story to be an active, living thing. It felt that way as we shared the book and shared our story last year. When we were telling our story to others, Shannon was alive in it. We could feel her there. Now, it's mostly memories bouncing around in my head, and that's harder.
But, we will start to actively honor her again this weekend at the Brains Together For A Cure walk. We will remember her spirit and her desire to make a difference in this world. Then, before you know it, it will be hockey season and we will be at the rink, sharing our story and saying her name. It's always good to hear it out loud...