Blogging tonight from 31,000 feet somewhere over Nebraska. Purchased the WIFI on tonight's flight back to the tundra. US Airways Airbus 321 - a pretty nice aircraft and for $9.95 you can surf the web and blog. Not exactly the Mile High Club..but kind of cool.
I have been away from Erin and Jen since Monday and it has been a challenge. Staying busy while learning about the new EFS offering was just fine. Exciting, in fact. I'm pretty fortunate to have landed on the "A Team" of our new company. We merged with a competitor and together we are formidable. We are going to be a huge factor in the fuel card market. I feel as though my experience and this opportunity have come together at a really interesting time in my life.
While working and learning was invigorating, the after-hours social times were really work. I mean everyone is nice and they are just living their lives talking about their kids and school and milestones and such things that normal people talk about. And then people let their hair down a little and have some fun and yucks like normal people do and I just can't get away fast enough. I used to be the guy that closed down the party.
I don't want to be Danny Downer. And professionally, there's no doubt when you miss out on those after-hours events you stunt the growth of relationships.
I guess I just need to be patient. This is going to be a slow recovery. The good news is I have a great job. Our company is going to kick ass and I'm good at what I do. Baby steps. But I need to start selling stuff. My sales body clock is itching to do some deals.
I can't wait to see my girls. We have a busy weekend together. Busy is good.