
Social media is all abuzz today with photos of people in costume.  Halloween on a Friday is bringing out the crazy in all of us.  I am dressed today as a tired, middle-aged midwesterner... oh wait, I'm that every day...

I can't help but think of those days when the kids would get so amped up to go out trick-or-treating.  What's better than dressing up in costume and having people give you candy? Thought I'd post a little throwback photo from 2004, also known as the year of the elephant... and the cat...

Smiley was smiley even way back then.  Loved those days.  

Today, Erin is dressed as a baby.  That means she went to high school in footie pajamas, carrying a blanket and a stuffed animal, with a pacifier in her mouth.  Now that reminded me of Shannon, who wouldn't give up her nuk until she was 4 1/2. 

Tonight Erin is helping her friend Emily take Em's little sister trick-or-treating.  This is the best way to not really be trick-or-treating, but still get to reap the rewards.  She's no dummy...  

Happy Halloween.